Episode 44 / VOICES ON ART – The VAN HORN Gallery Podcast / THE RIGHT FRACTURES – ALAIN SERVAIS, collector of contemporary art, Belgium, recorded September 30, 2021, 57 min., language englishComing from finance and with a deep rooted interest in the arts, politics, sociology, philosophy and the humanities, collector Alain Servais speaks his mind and does not hold back. He talks finding his own voice and becoming really good at something by having the right fractures. He found himself in art because it opened his mind to new dimensions and new kinds of people. Being exposed to other people’s view of the world greatly improved his vision of the world. Art for him is not contemplation or pleasure, art is having to make an effort, to work on oneself and pushing oneself to the limit – to feeling comfortable being uncomfortable. He is especially interested in contemporary art, young art, the art that needs to be preserved today because nobody understands or values it. By collecting it he is preserving a slice of humanity. Art changed his life and for him art is a way of living, not separated from life, politics and the larger society. Recorded September 30, 2021, 57 min., language english