Episode 81 / GEROLD MILLER | Artist, Berlin/Pistoia | Live talk with Daniela Steinfeld
26 min., recorded September 3, 2023, language german
Hello again! Happy to be back after the break. This is a special Episode, a live talk between artist Gerold Miller and me on the occasion of his exhibition „modern sculpture“ at VAN HORN in Düsseldorf. Apologies to my english speaking listeners – the talk is in german. We will soon provide a video of the talk with english subtitles on the VAN HORN youtube channel. Gerold talks the gamut of his life, from his studies in the south of Germany in the 1980’s, to travelling the world, while developing his work and making new inventions, to the current show at the gallery. It’s a great talk in which Gerold very openly reveals what he does, what is his drive and what it means for him to be an artist.
A big thank you goes to our friend Lars Monshausen, who provided his skills and the technical equipment to record the talk.
To see Gerold’s show got to: https://van-horn.net/current-exhibition/ more about the artist here: https://geroldmiller.de/