Works by Jan Albers, Andrea Bowers, R. Crumb, Koen Delaere, Nicole Eisenman, Claus Föttinger, Albrecht Fuchs, Manuel Graf, Joanne Greenbaum, Gregor Hildebrandt, Katie Holten, Russ Meyer, Gerold Miller, Paul Morrison, Reinhard Mucha, Sigmar Polke, Anys Reimann, Michael Sailstorfer, Ulrike Schulze, Wilhelm Schürmann, Elisabeth Vary, Wendy White, Stefan Wissel and many more.

The exhibition gives an overview of the past twenty years and a glimpse into the future without being complete in any way.
Works will be exchanged in turns during the exhibtion.

The book „Making Space Taking Space – 20 Jahre Van Horn“ will be released on Dec. 21, 2024

My heartfelt thanks go to all artists. To those with whom I have shared a common path over many years and to those with whom I have only crossed paths briefly. A special thank you also to the many people without whose special commitment and support the exhibitions and projects could not have taken place. You know who you are.

Photos by Johannes Bendzulla and VAN HORN | D. Steinfeld