Nicole Eisenman
8 Nov. – 20 Dec. 2014
October 8 – December 10, 2004
Lucy Harvey, video piece for the VAN HORN space
Contexts That Can’t Be Ignored (Guide To Life VI(C).2: Art-Making (Strategies)), Sonntag, 7. November 2004
This new 4-part video-work was especially developed for the Van Horn space. In these videos Lucy Harvey refers as well to the exhibiton situation as also directly to the exhibited works of Nicole Eisenman.
Andrea Knobloch, Metaphysik ist Männersache – Lecture, Sonntag, 14. November 2004
In her book – Die bessere Haelfte – (The better half) Isabelle Graw describes female artists as especially gifted in the field of appropriation. Andrea Knobloch investigates this assertion in her reading in a self-trial. She adopts fragments of the attributes Graw adresses at female artists and confronts them with representations about male and female artists in the relevant print-media.
Therese Schult, Alles für die Gans (All for the Goose), Reading – Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2004
Hinter einer selbstbewussten Behauptung verbirgt sich ein teilnehmender Blick.Lesung? Hand aufs Wort! / Behind a confident assertion a sympathizing view is concealed.Reading? Cross my word and hope to die!
Therese Schult recites her poetic text in front of the Nicole Eisenman pictures and finishes with a projection on the ceiling: I wrote a road through the forest
Gabriele Horndasch, filmprojection in window, Sonntag, 12. Dezember, 19 bis 19:30 Uhr
screened films: kußfilm, literaturverfilmung, hommearsch, versteckte cathrine, adam und eva konventionell, ameisen
16mm programm in window, duration: 20 min.
8 Nov. – 20 Dec. 2014
8 Oct. – 10 Dec. 2004