Jochen Weber
9 Sep. – 22 Oct. 2011
9 September – 22 Oktober 2011
Jochen Weber builds things. And he surfs. Or rather, he has surfed at first and then started to build things. The objects are made of fiberglass and polyester resin – the material which is used to build Surfboards . The things look as if they could be chairs and tables – or perhaps an entirely different thing, that only pretends to be a chair or a table. Some of the objects intersect the space dynamically in their sharp edginess and triangularity. You want to jump on them and start surfing. Others brim over with beauty, with their colors and shapes and their perfectly-imperfect hand-shaped surfaces. Still others almost dissolve in skeletal minimalist materiality – they come directly from the world of ideas to us and take just enough shape so we can see them. The objects touch us through looking at them, smelling them, the want to touch them and they demand our vigilance and cautiousness – hybrids between here and elsewhere. Precisely in this intermediate realm of functioning and definable thing and the thing in itself, the former surfing sculptor Jochen Weber moves with his art.
Jochen Weber * 1980, lives and works in Hamburg, exhibitions a.o. Kunstverein f.d. Rheinlande und Westfalen, Bielefelder Kunstverein, Skulpturenpark Köln, Corner College/Perla Mode, Zürich, MuseumX / Museum Abteiberg, Kunstverein Schwerte, WIELS, Brussels
9 Sep. – 22 Oct. 2011