lives and works in Düsseldorf
he is Professor for Sculpture at the University of Siegen

lives and works in Düsseldorf
he is Professor for Sculpture at the University of Siegen

Occasions for Stefan Wissel’s work are many and varied: song lyrics, a functional piece of furniture, a DINstandardized construction building element, a film sequence, a company sign discovered in scrap metal, as well as striking visual languages from the field of contemporary art challenge him to develop artistic interventions, new and re-enactments of existing elements. Stefan Wissel’s work is always characterized by his alert, curious, often astonished look at objects and phenomena that are below the perception threshold of his contemporaries.
Stefan Wissel in his work not only emphasizes the physical characteristics of each object, he also focuses on the barely comprehensible, emotional contents that are evoked when two unexpected things suddenly collide.

In his work, Stefan Wissel always deals with questions of original and copy. He researches fundamentally original authorship and commentary, plays with theme and variation. He shifts the semantics of the object through simple gestures of lengthening or shortening, as well as the manipulation of color, proportion, size and surface.